CvL goes MUN - MUNISS 2024
From 18-21 April, our Model United Nations (MUN) delegates attended their first conference - MUNISS 2024 - at the International School of Stuttgart. Even though we had a rough start thanks to Deutsche Bahn and a train strike in Stuttgart, we finally made it to the conference.
We were welcomed by lovely host families: “The host family was so welcoming and warm-hearted it felt like home immediately” (Paula) or “my friend and I were just amazed because everyone in our family was just so nice and friendly and took care of us.” (Magnus). Jakob even got inside information: “The host family was amazing, and as my host worked as Chief of Admins. He was always able to tell me details of what was going on behind the scenes.”
The atmosphere at the international school was indescribable, as many international schools from Turkey, Spain, the USA or the Netherlands took part in the conference and interesting topics were debated like “Addressing Concerning Working Conditions in Clothing Industry in Southeast Asia” or “Global Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture.” Our countries Canada, Algeria, Nigeria or Taiwan guaranteed interesting debates, especially with Algeria being in Security Council and “The Conflict in Israel and Palestine” on the agenda. In Security Council they even had a crisis scenario: “A guy stormed in and told us that the Huthis had sunk a UN corvette. Suddenly the US, the UK, Russia, China and Israel were threatening each other with nukes, but then we were able to deescalate, and they formally withdrew their threats.” (Jakob).
“The committees themselves were a bit overwhelming at first but you get used to it” said Paula and Magnus concluded: “The conference was so exciting because meeting new people and talking with them was just so nice and is definitely worth an experience.”
On Friday night all the participants of MUNISS went to a club in Stuttgart. Thus, MUNISS became the perfect MUN experience: “The conference had everything you could’ve wished for: nice people, good organisation, a challenge or international delegates. Everything a Model United Nations conference stands for. It was such a great atmosphere there and everybody should experience it.” (Jona)
“Overall, I definitely consider taking part in another conference again.” Paula said and Jakob concluded: “It was a really great experience.”